Identify social networking features to suit your professional and/or business goal by improving profile positioning, sharing interactions and posts.
Who is the public target?
The course is aimed primarily at workers or freelancers.
Access requirements
(CAT) No s’exigeix cap requisit per accedir a la formació. Seria convenient que la persona participant disposi de competències bàsiques digitals.
Identification of LinkedIn as a social network
- LinkedIn Concept
- Current view and use of LinkedIn as user and company
- LinkedIn algorithm knowledge or Practical Applications to grow in followers organically
Specification of Tool Contents and Uses
- Content technology: education, help, to convince, inform and entertain.
- Defining Photo and Video Dynamics
- Practical uses of hashtag
- Knowledge and practical use of the publication of work offers
- Define survey and event dynamics
- Strategic Planning Process / Calendar
- Exemplifying apps to program content
- Theoreico-Practical Exemplification of Top Pages and Publications
Description of LinkedIn’s basic principles as a marketing tool
- Practical use of direct messages and networking
- Knowledge and practical use of tournaments, awards and legal bases
- Advertising principles in LinkedIn or Knowledge of the results analytics and tracking tool
At the end of the training, an official certificate issued by the Consortium for Continuing Education of Catalonia certification is obtained which accredits the specific competences acquired in this training.